Dog Bite Accident Lawyer

Dog Bite Accident Lawyer in New Jersey

While we all love and care about our pets, many owners often forget that their dogs, and other pets, are still animals that have the capability of inflicting serious and severe injury. While each situation is unique, New Jersey law statute 4:19-16 states that if a dog injures another person, the dog’s owner is legally responsible for the harm their dog caused. This means that, even if the dog’s owner took reasonable precautions to protect against a dog bite, or other sort of attack from a dog, that they are liable for any injury that results.

Although regardless of if the animal had a history of acting violently or aggressively, an injured party may even be able to recover punitive damages. These are damages which are designed to punish the dog owner, in the event of a favorable outcome at the time of trial. Dog bite cases typically find the dog owner strictly liable. This means that the law won’t protect someone who was illegally on the property, such as if they were trespassing. The attorneys at our firm are dedicated to recovering deserved compensation for our clients and the victims of dog bite cases.

Talk To Us About Your Dog Bite Case

For more information on how we handle these types of cases, call our office today at 201-816-1333 or send us an email now.

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Let’s Work Together

The road to justice starts with a simple conversation: call to get started today! We will be pleased to help you handle your personal injury case with both expertise and care. It would be our pleasure to discuss this matter further and how our dedicated team could best support you.