Assault and Battery Attorney

Battery Defense Attorney in New Jersey

Perhaps some of the most difficult and sadly too common cases, are assaults, battery and other intentional torts. Intentional torts can be not only physical through violent acts of others, like assault and battery, but also verbal in the form of slander and defamation, which must be alleged and plead specifically.

The law imposes duties of care for those who invite or care for another person and protects those who are injured at the hands of others, sometimes without provocation or cause, thereby leading to liability. Sekas Law Group, LLC, has handled numerous intentional tort cases throughout its years of experience and is dedicated to fighting for our clients.

Learn More About Intentional Torts, Assault And Battery

For more information about these serious types of cases, talk with a member of our legal team during a initial consultation. Contact us online now or call us at 201-816-1333.

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Let’s Work Together

The road to justice starts with a simple conversation: call to get started today! We will be pleased to help you handle your personal injury case with both expertise and care. It would be our pleasure to discuss this matter further and how our dedicated team could best support you.